Up Close And Personal With A Wolf
By Adminin Steampunk Astrologer news
The Steampunk Astrologer’s time with a Wolf
I thought that this month, I’d tell you a bit about my last birthday treat. It was a big birthday late 2018 and I asked the Universe (and my partner!) for some time with a wolf as my present.
I have no idea how I came across this website as I looked through experience days etc. and something just urged me to keep looking. When I first saw the website I found it tricky to navigate. (These are people whose primary concern is the animals they care for, not the website.) Here it is http://www.thelittlezoo.co.uk/ This is NOT a zoo, but a sanctuary and I wanted my money to go to this charity for helping exotic animals.
Booking to meet Kody
Anyway, I gave them a call to ask for help with booking a wolf experience and spoke for quite a while with Gary. At the time he was preparing reindeer feed and watching a buzzard being mobbed by magpies. (I think he said he had a parrot sitting on his head as well……not sure!)
I got myself booked in to spend one to one time with Kody, their timber wolf hybrid and got a lovely confirmation email from Nicky telling me what I could expect.
Let me explain that pet wise, I am much more a cat person and know very little about keeping dogs. The idea of time with a wolf though!!! I love wolves and even though the thought of being up close with one made me a teensy bit nervous, my excitement at the opportunity was much greater! (I’ve even done a wolf greetings card! Click here to see. You can see other cards by clicking here.

Time with a Wolf
The Little Zoo doesn’t have a large sign – remember it’s not actually a zoo for people to visit. We found the place OK though. My partner couldn’t stay on site (public insurance costs – money better spent on the animals), so he went off to get a cuppa in a nearby café.
Kody is …….well…….let’s say I’m besotted with a wolf. She is beautiful. Gary took lots of photos for me as we took Kody for a walk around the surrounding countryside. (There is but one rule – do NOT let go of the lead!! Not good to have a wolf running around loose). Kody has such a lovely temperament (but as Alpha of her pack at that time, she is clearly no pushover either!) and loves being petted. Gary has tons of information about wolves and told me a little about the other animals there as well. On the way to the wolf enclosure I saw a magnificent falcon and very handsome fox that are being cared for.
At the end of the walk we went to the wolf tower so I could see Lupa and Ragnar the European wolves. Kody stayed with us and was quick enough to snaffle a bit of cake while our attention was on Ragnar! Gary put his hand in a wolf’s mouth to stop her from eating the plastic wrapping – rather him than me. I’ve seen those teeth!! Kody and I also had a bit of a singalong at the tower. I’ve got money for Christmas to go and see Kody again, so will have to practice my howling ready for then.
Help The Little Zoo
Check out the little zoo on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/The-Little-Zoo-132063956853595/ where you can see some great photos. If there is any way you feel you can support or help this charity, please do. Both Gary and Nicky clearly love the animals and I’ve a feeling that the café that is planned will be at the bottom of the list – below new animal enclosures etc. I’d love to see them able to do both!